Brandon, Heather &LillyAnna Durfey

This is my favorite picture. She's so oblivious to the camera.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
LillyAnna Rae Durfey
My beautiful daughter was born today, December 14th, 2010, at 9:12 am weighing 7 lbs 12 ounces and was 20 inches long. She is the most beautiful, most perfect baby girl ever. I never thought I could love anyone as much as I love my little girl. I'm so tired. I haven't slept more than 3 hours in the last 28 hours and all I wanna do is sit here with my beautiful little girl and just memorize every aspect of her face. All the pain I went through was completely worth it. I would do anything for my sweet girl. Seeing my husband with her just melted my heart even more. You can see that he feels the same way I do about her. She is going to change our lives so drastically.
My lil girl is on the way!!
So I'm sitting at LDS hospital waiting to be dilated to a 10 so I can push. It's so crazy to think I'm finally going to meet my beautiful little girl in a matter of hours. I finally get to see what color her hair is and her eyes and whose nose she got and so on and so forth. I've dreamt about this moment for months and now that it's finally here, it's just so surreal. It's been like a dream that I've just been watching from the sidelines and now it's actually time. I just can't wrap my head around it. I'm dilated to a 7.5 and efaced 90%. I'm dilating a centimeter an hour so it's only a matter of time. Well, I just wanted to say how unreal this experience is for me and how I can't believe it's really finally happening. I'm scared shitless to push. Wish me luck everyone. I will have to post pics of her the second she's born. oooohh.. I can't wait much longer. Gonna try and sleep again for a minute..
Sunday, December 5, 2010
My sweet husband!
I sometimes forget how lucky I am to have such a wonderful guy in my life. I look around at some family and some friends and realize how lucky I truly am. I have a lot of friends that are either already mother, or pregnant and I see how the fathers of the babies are and I compare them to Brandon and I get this wash of relief that I got so lucky. About 1 maybe 2 out of 5 men stick around when they get someone pregnant and that's a pretty low number when you think about it. And out of those men, very few are actually helpful and considerate. My husband can be inconsiderate and spiteful and just plain hurtful when he wants to be, but when it comes down to it he's there for me and he holds my hand through this crazy time. The one thing I grew up without when I was younger was a dad and I thank God every night before I go to sleep that my little girl isn't going to have to do that. Brandon will always be there for her and that isn't just me hoping that he will, when I look at him and the way he talks about her, I know that no matter what happens he'll always be daddy first and man second. I really can't wait to actually see him with her. He's going to be an amazing dad. I really truly think so.
When I look at all the women in my family, I worry that I may someday be like them and I really don't want that because they have bad taste in men and end up messing it up when they have good men and moving on to crappy men who treat them like crap and don't care how they feel. My mother (whom I hope never reads this) is in a very controlled relationship and she can't seem to get out of it. She's had good men and she's been in good relationships but they didn't last and now she's with my step dad. He treats her like crap and doesn't care what she needs or wants. I hope that if Brandon were to ever treat me the way Jaime treats my mom, I'd be able to walk away from him. It's not just damaging my moms life but also my siblings and I hope that if I knew that something I was doing was hurting my children I'd be able to walk away from it. Like I said, I consider myself very lucky to have such an amazing husband and I sometimes really take him for granted. I personally think he settled for me because of my looks. He could do so much better but he doesn't think that he can. I can be the biggest... b**** and I can be so inconsiderate of him and he still loves me. That's all I could ever ask for and I just wish he could understand how much I truly love and appreciate him. He's the best thing that ever happened to me and he really doesn't think so. I love you Brandon!
When I look at all the women in my family, I worry that I may someday be like them and I really don't want that because they have bad taste in men and end up messing it up when they have good men and moving on to crappy men who treat them like crap and don't care how they feel. My mother (whom I hope never reads this) is in a very controlled relationship and she can't seem to get out of it. She's had good men and she's been in good relationships but they didn't last and now she's with my step dad. He treats her like crap and doesn't care what she needs or wants. I hope that if Brandon were to ever treat me the way Jaime treats my mom, I'd be able to walk away from him. It's not just damaging my moms life but also my siblings and I hope that if I knew that something I was doing was hurting my children I'd be able to walk away from it. Like I said, I consider myself very lucky to have such an amazing husband and I sometimes really take him for granted. I personally think he settled for me because of my looks. He could do so much better but he doesn't think that he can. I can be the biggest... b**** and I can be so inconsiderate of him and he still loves me. That's all I could ever ask for and I just wish he could understand how much I truly love and appreciate him. He's the best thing that ever happened to me and he really doesn't think so. I love you Brandon!
These are my wedding pictures and I never get sick of looking at them. Marrying him was the best decision I ever made in my life. I love you Brandon! You are my everything. You and Lilly!!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Not really sure what to write. I've never blogged before. My name is Heather Durfey, I'm 19, very happily married and expecting. My husbands name is Brandon Durfey and my unborn daughters name is LillyAnna Durfey. Brandon and I have been together for a year and ten months on the 26th. We have been married for 8 months on the 20th. My husband works at Walmart as a cashier. I've been unemployed for over a year. I hope to be working at Teleperformance as soon as I can work again. I used to be a kinda horrible person. Well, in my eyes I was horrible but apparently not as bad as I think because people have forgiven me. I put my mom through a lot of stuff. I regret everything that I did to her and I'm so glad that we have such a good relationship now. She seems to think that my daughter will be just like me and that I'm going to get my payback that way. I really hope that she isn't like me because I don't want my daughter to have as many regrets as I do. Of course to get through life you have to have regrets. Everyone has regrets whether they be big or small. Mine all happen to be life changing regrets. Unfortunately, I could never take anything back even if I could because it's those mistakes I made that got me where I am today. If I hadn't dropped out of school, I wouldn't have been working at taco time and I wouldn't have met Brandon and if I hadn't met Brandon, My sweet daughter wouldn't be due any day. I do wish that I had not been stupid and finished school and been a better example for my brothers and sisters but there's nothing I can do to change that now. I love my family and for once in my life, they are far above anything else on my priority list. And it's all thanks to my little family. I never thought I would be starting a family so young. I'm very happy with my life overall and I can't wait for my little bundle of joy to be here. She has changed my life so dramatically already that I can't wait to see how much more she'll change me in the future. I can't wait to see what color eyes she got, whose nose she got and so on. I'm not sure what else to write so I'm gonna end it here today. My blog to me seems very formal and cold. lol hopefully the more I write the less it'll seem like that.
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