Brandon, Heather &LillyAnna Durfey

This is my favorite picture. She's so oblivious to the camera.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Everything and anything
I've never kept a blog so I keep forgetting that I have one. Haha my life is amazing. I love my family more than anything. Ever since I was little I've always fantasized about growing up and getting married and now my, dreams are finally coming true. I always wanted a little boy first but I'm so glad I got my little girl. I still want a little boy so I'm really hoping for a little boy next. I want another baby like right away but my honey wants to wait and as much as it kills me to say it, it's Probably a good idea to wait so we've made an agreement. We are going to wait until I get my cna and than we will try again while I'm in school to be an rn. Which is ok cuz I just got accepted into the yes program which is a program that will pay for me to get my GED and pay for my course to be a certified nurses assistant and they'll pay for me to get my nursing degree. So once I pass my cna course all I need to do is find someone to hire me and than we can try for number two. I'm so excited to finally be getting my life in order. Ive got an amazing husband and a beautiful daughter. And I have the most amazing family (extended family included) to support me. I just want to thank everyone for being there for me and Brandon through everything. If it w went for all of your help, we probably wouldn't be as good off as we are now. Julie, you provide us an awesome place to live and Kelsey you helped us a lot when we were up there and cindi, you would give us your last five dollars if we asked for it. Thank you guys so much. I couldn't have asked for a better family to marry into. I love you guys.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Just pictures of my LillyAnna
This is my nephew Logan holding her.
This was going home from the hospital.
Same as above.
This is one of my absolute favorites.
Me and my darling little girl.
haha love her faces.
Tongue. haha
Sitting in the highchair watching tv.
Bran wanted to get going already.
She is such a happy baby.
She was being held my Auntie Serena below.
So sweet.
Close up!!
Smiles. haha in the outfit Aunt Kelsey and Uncle Josh got.
She loves her little friends.
She loves laying with Daddy.
Still in the hospital.
My life in the last 2 months
My life has been a little hectic but I love every minute of it. We are doing great. When we took her home from the hospital we were a little scared knowing that anything could happen and there would be no nurses or drs there to help us but we got over that quick. I could be in the worst mood in the world and all it takes for me to be in a better mood is for her to smile at me. My little girl is seriously my little miracle. She has fixed my relationship with so many people in my life. Me and my dad get along better and my siblings seem to like me more. lol I think the thing that makes me the happiest is that I have this wonderful man in my life to help me every step of the way. A lot of women are on their own. So I'm thankful that I got so lucky. I love just holding my little girl and staring at her. She has the most beautiful smile in the world. I'm still waiting very impatiently for her to laugh. I never thought I could love someone as much as I love her. She is the key to my heart. I am so excited that I was so very blessed.
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