So it's been two months since I've posted anything on my blog. It's really hard to keep up with when you don't have a computer of your own, also when you have a five month old daughter who takes up just about every waking moment. My husband and I used to have our own computer but we lost it in one of our various moves. Which really sucks cuz it was such a nice laptop. Anyway, The last two months have gone by pretty fast although it feels like it's been a lot more than two months since I last posted on here. Life has been crazy and hectic. My husband is working nights at WalMart, which sucks so bad. It's really hard. He goes to work at night and he sleeps all day long, so we don't get a lot of time together. On his days off, he tries to just come home and stay up until I go to bed but he gets cranky and doesn't want to do anything and I almost wish he would just go to sleep but the next day is nice when we get to spend the whole day together both of us well slept. He helps me with Lilly so much more on his second and third days off. It's so nice and than he goes back to work and we are back to square one and we fight a lot and it sucks. He doesn't help very much with Lilly when he has work and he certainly doesn't help with anything else. I know that he's tired and not looking forward to going into work but I'm tired too. I have to take care of Lilly all day by myself. And trust me, she's one spoiled brat. She has to be held CONSTANTLY and always has to be held in a certain position that matches however she's feeling. You just have to sit there and switch positions until you find just the right one. O man I'm complaining a lot. Don't get me wrong, my life isn't perfect but the good moments make it all worth while. My daughter is a grumpy girl but she can be the happiest person on the planet. One of the funnest things that we all do together is Bran puts Lilly on his shoulders holding her up by her back and I'll jump up in her face making funny noises at her. She loves it. She will just belly laugh like CRAZY. haha She doesn't belly laugh often, she has this little chipmunk sounding laugh and it is just so cute. haha Everyone who hears it is just drawn in and can't walk away from her, till she starts crying that is and than anyone around(usually my siblings cuz of how much time I spend at my moms) just simply disappears. haha Her smile is so infectious. I live and breath for that smile. I live and breath for my family. She is so strange, she LOVES to watch people eat. Like she seriously can't wait to start eating too. I give her a little taste of just about everything I eat. And she is not a picky girl. She like a lot of stuff. She like the juice from ramen noodles, frosting, junior mints, plain milk chocolate, cookies and cream ice cream, tomato sauce from lasagna, strawberry banana shakes from iceberg, and so much more that I can't think of right now. Her favorite baby food is pears. She can't get enough of that stuff. We can often get her belly laughing when we are feeding her pears just by trying to get her to open her mouth. She loves to it when someone make her jump. When she's totally not expecting it, we'll make random loud noises and she'll jump and starting laughing. I love my little girl so much. She is the light in the darkness that guides me. :) She is the reason for every breath that I take and every step that I take. My family is my everything. I love my husband and daughter more than anything in this world and I would do anything for them. Well, I know it was mostly rambling but at least I posted. Here are some new pictures of Lilly and me and Brandon. :)

This is my favorite picture
Momma and Lilly
She's off in her own world
Daddy, Mommy and LillyBug
Happy family.
Lilly in a hat.. little blurry
My little cowgirl
She didn't like this one
She's got like two chins here. haha
In the jumperoo. And so happy. :)
WAY blurry.
She is so cute.
not sure
Dallas Cowboys fan ALL THE WAY!!
See, she's happy to be a cowboys fan. Gosh she was so little in this pic.